We Offer Something Unique and Specific to God’s People
The Lord’s Spiritual & Material Blessings
Personal | Business | Growth | Christian | Learn | Sharing
We use God’s word to teach God’s people how He generates and distributes His blessings to them
Bible Translation
Bible translation into Nigerian Pidgin done using the standardized orthography of the language.
Christian Material Blessings Community
Christian Material Blessings Community (CMBC) is a Christian social network membership website.
Material Blessings
Material Blessings – Material Blessings (MB) is a website and blog hosting platform with tools and resources that will help you build your online or offline business website and blog.
English-Nigerian Pidgin Membership Site
This is a dual language platform (English and Nigerian Pidgin), where people who speak both languages can interact and learn to read and write in Nigerian Pidgin, create businesses online and offline and much more.
Nigerian Pidgin Site
This is an active website written 100% in Nigerian Pidgin using the standardized orthography of the language. It is a practical implementation example of what you can do with the language.
What God is Doing Through Us
God is using us as some of His vessels to generate and distribute His spiritual and material blessings to His people through training, technology, products and data.
Completed and Ongoing Projects

Nigerian Pidgin Bible Translation - Ongoing

Christian Material Blessings Community Website In Progress

Material Blessings Multisites - In Progress

Nigerian Pidgin Dictionary - In Progress

English/Nigerian Pidgin Membership Website - In Progress

Other Translation Projects

Completed - Nigerian Pidgin Entered Into Unicode Common Language Data Repository